
Samsung Watch - myq Devices

The myQ garage door opener is an IoT device that can be connected to from a variety of other internet enabled devices or hubs. Samsung approached myQ to discuss utilizing their smartwatch to allow end users to control their garage door openers, locally or from a distance.

Given one week to test the capabilities of the watch, I began pouring over the built-in watch applications to set a baseline for how users interacted with this device. Yes, the screen is tappable, however it became obvious that turning the outside dial was not only intuitive, but much more precise than tapping on the screen.

Inserting this device into my daily routine, I found that it was very helpful in quickly checking the status of other apps and devices. Controlling those devices felt awkward, but I continued to test. After a while I became comfortable what the device did and how it worked, however, I ended up feeling like it wasn’t a necessity, but rather an extra.

Designing the wireframes easier after testing the device, however it became a layered process as there were multiple methods of accomplishing the same task. Smartwatches are fun, but smartwatch makers need to figure out how to make them feel needed.
